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About your coach

From humble beginnings via a successful career in technology, media and finance, I discovered the power of Transactional Analysis Coaching. 

Kevin H Boyd - Financial Coach

My Background 

Growing up on a council estate on the west coast of Scotland I only aware that my life had but one destiny, to get a good job! 


And dutifully thats exactly what I did, I became a computer programmer in the early years of the digital revolution and I did reasonably well, creating products, building companies and even getting a movie produced.


But there was always something driving me to get close to success and but then to pull away just as I was getting close to it. 


The first book I ever read on psychology was on Eric Berne's model of Transactional Analysis, where I learned about how I had written my early Script that I was Not OK and everyone else was OK, this helped me identify the Games I was playing to live out this Script and how I ran Racquets on a daily basis to be true to my script.


This insight drove me to study psychology more deeply over many years and now I help other people wake up to their unhelpful Scripts by using the power of the Transactional Analysis model.  


And when not coaching I love to play tennis and enjoy the social life that my home town of Brighton, UK offers me.

Who I Help

People who have established themselves in a career but have not yet mastered their lives. It's never too late to change!

How I Do It

By listening to you first, and then exploring how you came to hold the beliefs you have about yourself and what's possible. Then create manageable goals to improve your life, one step at a time.

What's in It for You

My goal is to take you from despair to freedom as quickly as possible. Having a lot of fun along the way as you experience yourself overcoming old patterns and creating new supportive ones.

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At Kevin H. Boyd Coaching, our head office is located in Brighton & Hove, East Sussex.

Our full address is: Coaching, BN1 1AA, Brighton & Hove, East Sussex, UK.

Our office is open Monday through Friday, 9am to 7pm.

If you have any questions or need assistance, please feel free to reach out to us and we'll be happy to help.

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